
Som de fundo: The Maker - Rick Wakeman
Eu queria ir de bicicleta até Gramado por caminhos diferentes. Queria ir nesse mês, para aproveitar o clima quente; além disso, estaria acontecendo a Festa da Colônia por lá.
Convidei uns conhecidos bons de pedal.
-Vamos por Santa Maria do Herval, voltamos por Presidente Lucena...
O Guilherme topou, e disse que ia levar uns três ou quatro parceiros.
-Ôpa! Quero pegar o TRENSURB até São Leopoldo, se for mais gente o pessoal do trem pode complicar... O grupo já está de bom tamanho.
Mas no último dia o Guilherme e companhia desistiram da viagem, devido à rachadura de um quadro.
Gosto de pedalar sozinho, especialmente pelas serras. Isso me leva a uma introspecção surreal. Sempre que pedalei sozinho pelos lugares silvestres trouxe de lá algo imaterial que ainda não sei definir. Portanto decidi fazer o pedal, mesmo com a desistência dos outros.
Mas na ultima hora o Guilherme telefonou dizendo que um dos seus parceiros ainda estava a fim de ir junto. Naquele momento estavam os dois, não sei aonde, preparando a bicicleta para a viagem.
O Guilherme me passou o Vinicius. Perguntei-lhe se já tinha pedalado longas distâncias.
-Já fui até Itapuã!
-Tens todas as ferramentas?
-Serra é serra!
-Não tem problema!
-Então vamos nessa.
Afinal o Vinicius estava sendo indicado nada mais nada menos que pelo Guilherme, um dos gigantes que concluíram o Audax 600 no ano passado!
Sete e meia da manhã de sábado me encontrei com o Vinicius no posto BR Touring, na Avenida João Pessoa.
Era um cara de estatura alta, porte atlético, aparentando uns trinta e poucos anos. A bicicleta era simples, de ferro, sem marca; mesmo assim era leve, e tinha peças resistentes.
-Vamos nessa!
Pegamos o TRENSURB na estação rodoviária sem problemas. Tivemos apenas que retirar as rodas dianteiras.
De São Leopoldo seguimos pela BR 116.
-Que legal! Que pedal! Dizia meu companheiro ao chegar em Novo Hamburgo.
-Recém estamos começando. Vai ficar mais legal depois, quando sairmos da BR.
No início da subida da BR 116 meu companheiro foi ficando para trás. Esperei na entrada para Ivoti.
-Subi tudo no pedal!
Disse ele ao chegar.
-Tem muita serra pela frente...
Seguimos o pedal, fui na frente, até Morro Reuter. Sentei num banco duma praça onde existe um monumento livresco dedicado aos leitores. Morro Reuter é a capital da leitura.

Quase uma hora depois chegou meu companheiro:
-Vim empurrando a bike...Que subidão hein?
-Tem muita serra pela frente...
Era quase uma hora da tarde, decidimos almoçar por ali mesmo, no restaurante Caverna.
Havia uma placa indicando a entrada para Santa Maria do Herval: 14 km.
Começou a chover, pegamos de saída uma subida, numa estrada de terra lisa; o pneu traseiro da bicicleta patinava.
Segui patinando na frente.
-Nos encontramos na frente da Igreja!
Mais adiante voltou o asfalto. A VRS 373 é uma estrada muito tranqüila, passa por lugares silvestres. Mesmo chovendo, tudo era belo. Fui, parando várias vezes para tirar fotos, abrigado da chuva debaixo das árvores.


Em Santa Maria do Herval havia um belo riacho cortando a cidade, casas antigas, é uma cidadezinha bem organizada. Analisei a situação, pensei em ficar por lá, procurei por hotel ou pousada, mas nada encontrei.


Só havia um caminho positivo a seguir: pedalar até Gramado. Mas meu companheiro não chegava. E o celular não pegava.
Coloquei roupa seca e capa de chuva e esperei mais um pouco. Eu estava começando a me preocupar com a demora do Vinicius. Finalmente ele apareceu pedalando devagar, sorrindo.
Fiquei feliz por saber que estava tudo bem.
-Vamos seguir viagem, são três horas da tarde, faltam quase 30 km para chegar em Gramado.
Pegamos uma estrada de terra, sempre sob chuva fraca.
A partir dali concluí que não poderia me distanciar tanto do Vinícius. A estrada era de terra, tinha pouca sinalização e era quase fim de tarde.

Seguimos pedalando em baixíssima velocidade até Boa Vista do Herval. Por menos inclinada que fosse a subida, o Vinicius descia da bicicleta. Estava com câimbras.

No final de cada subida, e em todas as encruzilhadas eu parava para esperar meu companheiro. Em Boa Vista do Herval falei com um pessoal que estava falando em língua alemã na mesa dum bar.
-Porquê vocês falam em alemão?
-A gente costa!
-E vocês escrevem em alemão?
-Só falamos!
Um pessoal muito simpático. O povo da região é bastante hospitaleiro e pelo que parece, adora festas. Gente trabalhadora, mas que também se diverte.
Na rádio local tocavam bandinhas alemãs, e os anúncios eram mais ou menos assim:
"Hoje, grande baile da lingüiça no salão Schmith!"
Fomos aos trancos e barrancos, comendo barras de cereais, mariolas e chocolate meio amargo, até perto de Serra Grande, quando notei que o Vinícius estava empurrando a bicicleta até no plano. Na verdade ela havia parado de pedalar.
Fiquei preocupado:
-Quem sabe a gente pega uma carona com alguma camioneta.
-Nem pensar! Vou até o fim!
-Vamos chegar de noite!
-Eu não me importo!
A determinação do Vinicius para chegar até Gramado sem ajuda era coisa de se admirar!

Saímos do barral e pegamos paralelepípedo, depois asfalto.
O Vinícius voltou a pedalar no plano. A velocidade e a esperança de chegar em Gramado ainda de dia aumentou.

De repente pareceu que tínhamos chegado no subúrbio de Gramado! Era penumbra, chovia, havia no caminho uma bonita capela antiga chamada São Luis, onde tiramos fotos mesmo sob chuva. No alto vimos a RS 115 que vem de Três Coroas. Achamos que já estávamos entrando em Gramado.
Pensei: Enfim Chegamos! Será?
Perguntei a um morador:
-Qual é o caminho mais perto para o centro?
-Segue sempre reto, dá uns dois km.
Seguimos reto, o asfalto acabou. Começou um subidão, tipo subida do morro Ferrabrás por uma estrada de pedra e barro.
Aquela estrada seguia quase paralela à RS 115.
Acredito que a Capela S. Luis ficava num bairro de Gramado que é visto do Pórtico da RS115. Palmilhei a subida quase no escuro, sob chuva, vento, e um frio crescente.
Chegando na RS 115 me abriguei numa parada de ônibus e fiquei esperando o Vinicius.
Notei que saiam bolhas, próximo ao ventil do pneu da minhabicicleta. O pneu estava furado, murchando! Dei umas bombadas, e nada de encher. Não sei como, mas minha bomba GTS nova tinha estragado na viagem. Então saí dali, na maior velocidade que pude, rumando a Gramado, direto ao primeiro posto de gasolina e ao primeiro calibrador.
Eu pedalava e pedalava, e parecia que nunca chegava.
Noite, subida, chuva, frio, vento, pneu quase batendo no aro, e sem bomba.
Tinha um posto Ipiranga a uns dois km dali. Dei uma ducha em mim ena bicicleta, consertei o pneu, coloquei roupa seca.
Recebi umaligação do Vinicius:
-E agora? Eu subo ou desço?
-Onde tu estás?
Aquela estrada seguia quase paralela à RS 115.
Acredito que a Capela S. Luis ficava num bairro de Gramado que é visto do Pórtico da RS115. Palmilhei a subida quase no escuro, sob chuva, vento, e um frio crescente.
Chegando na RS 115 me abriguei numa parada de ônibus e fiquei esperando o Vinicius.
Notei que saiam bolhas, próximo ao ventil do pneu da minhabicicleta. O pneu estava furado, murchando! Dei umas bombadas, e nada de encher. Não sei como, mas minha bomba GTS nova tinha estragado na viagem. Então saí dali, na maior velocidade que pude, rumando a Gramado, direto ao primeiro posto de gasolina e ao primeiro calibrador.
Eu pedalava e pedalava, e parecia que nunca chegava.
Noite, subida, chuva, frio, vento, pneu quase batendo no aro, e sem bomba.
Tinha um posto Ipiranga a uns dois km dali. Dei uma ducha em mim ena bicicleta, consertei o pneu, coloquei roupa seca.
Recebi umaligação do Vinicius:
-E agora? Eu subo ou desço?
-Onde tu estás?
-Sei lá! Saí da estrada de terra há pouco.
-Então tu sobes! Falta pouco! Estou no posto Ipiranga.
-Sobe?! Ptz! Já desci uns trezentos metros!
Uma hora depois o Vinicius chegou, andando quase na ponta dos pés. Meio que deitou nuns azulejos molhados, e o frentista comentou:
-Para o cara ficar deitado nesse azulejo gelado deve estar mal.
O Vinicius estava mal, tremia muito. Peguei um copão de café capuccino, mais um pacote de "bis", da loja de conveniências. Enquanto ele comia e tomava aquilo tudo eu perguntei para o frentista onde ficava a pousada mais próxima.
-Fica do outro lado da rua.
Fui lá, na Pousada Encantos de Gramado, acertei os preços, busquei o Vinícius e as bicicletas, coloquei tudo dentro do quarto. Depois de um banho bem quente, o ar-condicionado ligado, quatro cobertores e um chá, ele sentiu-se melhor.
Meu parceiro foi valente! Sua obstinação foi fantástica. Sem reclamar, e sem ajuda ele realmente chegou a Gramado. Deve ter caminhado empurrando a bicicleta pelo menos a metade dos 83 km "pedalados".
Pedimos uns "cheeses", que um moto-boy nos trouxe com presteza. Pudera... pelo preço... Algumas horas depois tinha passado a chuva. Coloquei um abrigo e peguei a bicicleta.
-Onde tu vai?
-Na Festa da Colônia!
-Tu tá lôco?!
Fui na festa da colônia pedalando, de abrigo, meias, e chinelos havaianas. Tomei um excelente suco de uva, assisti uma bandinha a tocar músicas típicas. O que mais tinha para vender por lá eram cucas.
No domingo acordei cedo, tomei café, e fui em Canela comprar uma bomba de pneu de bicicleta.
Encontrei uma loja de bicicletas, a "Colega Bikes", quase ao lado do supermercado Unidão.
Bati palmas, acho que acordei o dono da loja, que era um senhor de idade, muito simpático. A loja era bastante antiga e tinha tanta peça de bicicleta lá dentro que estava difícil de entrar.
A manhã estava agradável, tinha sol e estava um pouco frio. Muito bom para pedalar. Voltei ao hotel, comecei a arrumar as minhas coisas na bicicleta.
-Onde tu vai?
-Voltar para Porto Alegre!
-Tu tá lôco?!
O Vinícius pretendia voltar de ônibus no fim da tarde.
Despedi-me dele, e sai pedalando devagar, observando as cores de Gramado - como está escrito no pórtico: "Leve nos olhos a imagem colorida de Gramado"
-Então tu sobes! Falta pouco! Estou no posto Ipiranga.
-Sobe?! Ptz! Já desci uns trezentos metros!
Uma hora depois o Vinicius chegou, andando quase na ponta dos pés. Meio que deitou nuns azulejos molhados, e o frentista comentou:
-Para o cara ficar deitado nesse azulejo gelado deve estar mal.
O Vinicius estava mal, tremia muito. Peguei um copão de café capuccino, mais um pacote de "bis", da loja de conveniências. Enquanto ele comia e tomava aquilo tudo eu perguntei para o frentista onde ficava a pousada mais próxima.
-Fica do outro lado da rua.
Fui lá, na Pousada Encantos de Gramado, acertei os preços, busquei o Vinícius e as bicicletas, coloquei tudo dentro do quarto. Depois de um banho bem quente, o ar-condicionado ligado, quatro cobertores e um chá, ele sentiu-se melhor.
Meu parceiro foi valente! Sua obstinação foi fantástica. Sem reclamar, e sem ajuda ele realmente chegou a Gramado. Deve ter caminhado empurrando a bicicleta pelo menos a metade dos 83 km "pedalados".
Pedimos uns "cheeses", que um moto-boy nos trouxe com presteza. Pudera... pelo preço... Algumas horas depois tinha passado a chuva. Coloquei um abrigo e peguei a bicicleta.
-Onde tu vai?
-Na Festa da Colônia!
-Tu tá lôco?!
Fui na festa da colônia pedalando, de abrigo, meias, e chinelos havaianas. Tomei um excelente suco de uva, assisti uma bandinha a tocar músicas típicas. O que mais tinha para vender por lá eram cucas.
No domingo acordei cedo, tomei café, e fui em Canela comprar uma bomba de pneu de bicicleta.
Encontrei uma loja de bicicletas, a "Colega Bikes", quase ao lado do supermercado Unidão.
Bati palmas, acho que acordei o dono da loja, que era um senhor de idade, muito simpático. A loja era bastante antiga e tinha tanta peça de bicicleta lá dentro que estava difícil de entrar.
A manhã estava agradável, tinha sol e estava um pouco frio. Muito bom para pedalar. Voltei ao hotel, comecei a arrumar as minhas coisas na bicicleta.
-Onde tu vai?
-Voltar para Porto Alegre!
-Tu tá lôco?!
O Vinícius pretendia voltar de ônibus no fim da tarde.
Despedi-me dele, e sai pedalando devagar, observando as cores de Gramado - como está escrito no pórtico: "Leve nos olhos a imagem colorida de Gramado"
Na RS 235, entre Gramado e o pedágio bati meu recorde de velocidade máxima. Atingi 74 km/h.
O pedal até Nova Petrópolis foi um passeio. O clima, o sol, a paisagem, o trânsito escasso, tudo perfeito. Em Nova Petrópolis havia uma multidão de pessoas fantasiadas de coelho. Falei com um(a) dos(as) coelho(as), ele(a) me deu um panfleto, e disse para mim voltar ali não sei quando, que estaria acontecendo a festa do chocolate.
Desci até Picada Café parei na capela de São Cristóvão e entrei no Parque Histórico Municipal Jorge Kuhn.
Saí da BR 116 e peguei uma estrada que passa por Presidente Lucena e vai a Ivoti.
Quem acha que a descida da serra não tem subida, experimentevoltar por Presidente Lucena.
Para encurtar o relato, meu câmbio estragou e tive de empurrar a bicicleta em várias ocasiões. Estava sem almoçar.
Em Presidente Lucena só tomei água. Em Ivoti visitei a Igreja São Pedro, uma igreja antiga e verde, parece coberta de limo.
Na sorveteria Kika comi quatro bolas gigantes de sorvete. O sorvete era tão saboroso que confirmava o dizer que havia na fachada da sorveteria: "é impossível tomar um só" E era mesmo!
De Ivoti fui direto a São Leopoldo onde peguei o TRENSURB até a estação rodoviária de Porto Alegre.
Por volta das cinco da tarde eu estava no sofá de casa, escutando Rick Wakeman – "No Earthly Connection", com os olhos cheios de imagens bucólicas, a consciência expandida outra vez.
Paisagens, estradas, montanhas, pessoas, situações, tanta coisa em dois simples dias.
Já tinha ido a Gramado de carro várias vezes. Mas viajar de bicicleta é diferente.
A gente absorve mais. Gramado mudou.
De alguma forma, minha visão de Gramado mudou.
I wanted to go by bicycle until Gramado city for different ways. I wanted to go this month, because the advantage of the hot climate; moreover, the Party of the Colony was happening for there. I invited knowed ones, good ones mountain bikers.
- We go for Santa Maria do Herval city, we come back for Presidente Lucena city… Guilherme accepted, and said that he was going to take three or four partners.
I thought:
- Well. I want to go by TRENSURB, the train, until São Leopoldo city; if go more people, the staff of the train can complicate. The group has a good size yet.
But in the last day Guilherme and company had given up the trip, due to a damage in a bicycle. I like to cycle alone, specially in the mountain ranges. This takes me to a surreal introspection. Whenever I cycled alone in wild places I brought from there something incorporeal that i can´t define yet. Therefore, with the desistance of the others, I decided to make the pedal alone.
But in the last hour Guilherme telephoned saying that one of his partners still wanted to make the trip, in order to go together with me. At that moment they were the two, I do not know where, preparing the bicycle for the trip. Guilherme passed me the Vinicius. I asked him if he had biked long distances yet.
- I biked until Itapuã once.
- You have all the tools?
- Yes.
- Mountain range is mountain range!
- It does not have problem!
- So let´s go!
After all Vinicius was being indicated nothing more, nothing less, by Guilherme, one of the giants that had concluded Audax 600 km in the last year!
Seven and half o’clock in the morning of saturday I met with the Vinicius in the gas station BR Touring, in the João Pessoa Avenue. He was a guy with high stature, athletical body, looking like have thirty and few years old. His bicycle was simple, of iron, without mark. It was not heavy, and it appeared resistant.
-Let´s go!
We took the TRENSURB near the bus station without problems. We only had to remove the front wheels. From the São Leopoldo city we followed for BR 116 railroad.
-What nice! What trip!
My fellow told when arriving in Novo Hamburgo city.
-We are just starting!. It will be betther later, when we go out from the railroad.
At the beginning of the ascent of 116 BR railroad, my friend was turning backwards. I waited him in the entrance for Ivoti city.
-I biked until here without go out from bicycle!
-Theare are much mountain range ahead!
We became to cycle again, he desappeared behind me. I arrived in Morro Reuter city and seated in a bank of a square where there were a monument dedicateded to the readers. Mount Reuter is the capital of the reading ones.
One hour later arrived my partner:
- I had to push bike… What hill! Uhhh?
- There are much mountain range ahead.
It was almost one hour of the afternoon yet, so we decide to lunch in Morro Reuter city. We had a lunch in the “Cave“ restaurant.
There was a plate indicating the entrance for Santa Maria do Herval city: 14 km. It started to rain, we took a road, an ascent, a smooth land road; the back tire of the bicycle skatered.
I went skatering ahead.
- We meet in front of the church in Santa Maria!
Soon asphalt came back.. The VRS 373 road was a very calm road, passes for wild places. Even thought it was raining, everything was beautiful around. I went ahead, stopping sometimes to take photos, sheltered of the rain underneath of the trees.
In Santa Maria do Herval there were a beautifull stream cutting the city, there were ancient houses. It were a small city, well organized and clean
My partner didn´t arrive. I analyzed the situation. I thought about staying in some hotel there. I looked for some hotel, but there were no hotel in that city. It only had a positive way to follow: to go ahead and bike until Gramado. But my friend did not arrive. And his mobile was mute. I weared dry clothes and rain jacket and waited more a little.
I was starting to worry me about the delay of the Vinicius. Finally he appeared biking slowlly and smiling. I was happy for knowing that it was all good.
- We need continue the trip, it is three o’clock of the afternoon, lacks more than 30 km to arrive in Gramado.
We took a land road, always under weak rain. From there I concluded that I could not stay too much far away from Vinicius. The land road had little signalling and was almost end of afternoon. We went biking in very slow speed until Boa Vista do Herval district
For less inclined than it was the ascent, Vinicius went down of the bicycle. He told he had pain in his legs. In the end of each ascent, and in all the crossroads I stopped to wait my partner. In Boa Vista do Herval district I spoke with a staff who was speaking in German language in the table of a drinkbar.
- Why do you speak in german language?
- We like it!
- And do you write in german language?
- We only speak!
A very likeable people. The people of the region is very hospitable and for what he seems, he adores parties. Diligent people, but that also have fun. In the local radio they touched German musics, and the announcements were more or less like this: “Today, great ball of the sausage in the Schmith hall”
We were very slowlly and eating bars of cereals, candy and chocolate half bitter taste, even close to Serra Grande district, when I noticed that the Vinicius was pushing the bicycle even in the plan. In the truth he had stopped cycling. I was turning worried:
- Who knows we take a hitchhiking with some light truck.
- No way! I go until the end!
- We are going to arrive there in the night!
- I do not import myself!
The determination of the Vinicius to arrive in Gramado city without aid was an admiring thing.
We leave the mudded road and we took a parallelopiped stone covered road, and later asphalt. My partner came back biking in the plan. The speed and the hope to arrive in Gramado at sunlight increased.
Suddenly it seemed that we had arrived in the suburb of Gramado city! It was almost night, and was raining. We saw in the way a pretty and old chapel called São Luis, we stopped there and took some photos even thought under rain. We saw up there the RS 115 road that comes from Tres Coroas city. We find that we were entering in Gramado yet.
I thought: -At last we arrived! It will be true?
I asked to an inhabitant:
- Which is the closer way for the center?
- Go always straight, it distances so so two kilometers.
We went striaght, asphalt finished. It started a small road climbing a hill, type ascent of the Ferrabras mount, many rocks and holes, it was very inclinated.That road followed almost parallel to RS 115 railroad. I believed that Chapel of São Luis was in a quarter of Gramado that is seen of the Porch of the RS115 railroad.
I climbed that ascent in the dark , under rain, wind, and an increasing cold.
I wanted to go by bicycle until Gramado city for different ways. I wanted to go this month, because the advantage of the hot climate; moreover, the Party of the Colony was happening for there. I invited knowed ones, good ones mountain bikers.
- We go for Santa Maria do Herval city, we come back for Presidente Lucena city… Guilherme accepted, and said that he was going to take three or four partners.
I thought:
- Well. I want to go by TRENSURB, the train, until São Leopoldo city; if go more people, the staff of the train can complicate. The group has a good size yet.
But in the last day Guilherme and company had given up the trip, due to a damage in a bicycle. I like to cycle alone, specially in the mountain ranges. This takes me to a surreal introspection. Whenever I cycled alone in wild places I brought from there something incorporeal that i can´t define yet. Therefore, with the desistance of the others, I decided to make the pedal alone.
But in the last hour Guilherme telephoned saying that one of his partners still wanted to make the trip, in order to go together with me. At that moment they were the two, I do not know where, preparing the bicycle for the trip. Guilherme passed me the Vinicius. I asked him if he had biked long distances yet.
- I biked until Itapuã once.
- You have all the tools?
- Yes.
- Mountain range is mountain range!
- It does not have problem!
- So let´s go!
After all Vinicius was being indicated nothing more, nothing less, by Guilherme, one of the giants that had concluded Audax 600 km in the last year!
Seven and half o’clock in the morning of saturday I met with the Vinicius in the gas station BR Touring, in the João Pessoa Avenue. He was a guy with high stature, athletical body, looking like have thirty and few years old. His bicycle was simple, of iron, without mark. It was not heavy, and it appeared resistant.
-Let´s go!
We took the TRENSURB near the bus station without problems. We only had to remove the front wheels. From the São Leopoldo city we followed for BR 116 railroad.
-What nice! What trip!
My fellow told when arriving in Novo Hamburgo city.
-We are just starting!. It will be betther later, when we go out from the railroad.
At the beginning of the ascent of 116 BR railroad, my friend was turning backwards. I waited him in the entrance for Ivoti city.
-I biked until here without go out from bicycle!
-Theare are much mountain range ahead!
We became to cycle again, he desappeared behind me. I arrived in Morro Reuter city and seated in a bank of a square where there were a monument dedicateded to the readers. Mount Reuter is the capital of the reading ones.
One hour later arrived my partner:
- I had to push bike… What hill! Uhhh?
- There are much mountain range ahead.
It was almost one hour of the afternoon yet, so we decide to lunch in Morro Reuter city. We had a lunch in the “Cave“ restaurant.
There was a plate indicating the entrance for Santa Maria do Herval city: 14 km. It started to rain, we took a road, an ascent, a smooth land road; the back tire of the bicycle skatered.
I went skatering ahead.
- We meet in front of the church in Santa Maria!
Soon asphalt came back.. The VRS 373 road was a very calm road, passes for wild places. Even thought it was raining, everything was beautiful around. I went ahead, stopping sometimes to take photos, sheltered of the rain underneath of the trees.
In Santa Maria do Herval there were a beautifull stream cutting the city, there were ancient houses. It were a small city, well organized and clean
My partner didn´t arrive. I analyzed the situation. I thought about staying in some hotel there. I looked for some hotel, but there were no hotel in that city. It only had a positive way to follow: to go ahead and bike until Gramado. But my friend did not arrive. And his mobile was mute. I weared dry clothes and rain jacket and waited more a little.
I was starting to worry me about the delay of the Vinicius. Finally he appeared biking slowlly and smiling. I was happy for knowing that it was all good.
- We need continue the trip, it is three o’clock of the afternoon, lacks more than 30 km to arrive in Gramado.
We took a land road, always under weak rain. From there I concluded that I could not stay too much far away from Vinicius. The land road had little signalling and was almost end of afternoon. We went biking in very slow speed until Boa Vista do Herval district
For less inclined than it was the ascent, Vinicius went down of the bicycle. He told he had pain in his legs. In the end of each ascent, and in all the crossroads I stopped to wait my partner. In Boa Vista do Herval district I spoke with a staff who was speaking in German language in the table of a drinkbar.
- Why do you speak in german language?
- We like it!
- And do you write in german language?
- We only speak!
A very likeable people. The people of the region is very hospitable and for what he seems, he adores parties. Diligent people, but that also have fun. In the local radio they touched German musics, and the announcements were more or less like this: “Today, great ball of the sausage in the Schmith hall”
We were very slowlly and eating bars of cereals, candy and chocolate half bitter taste, even close to Serra Grande district, when I noticed that the Vinicius was pushing the bicycle even in the plan. In the truth he had stopped cycling. I was turning worried:
- Who knows we take a hitchhiking with some light truck.
- No way! I go until the end!
- We are going to arrive there in the night!
- I do not import myself!
The determination of the Vinicius to arrive in Gramado city without aid was an admiring thing.
We leave the mudded road and we took a parallelopiped stone covered road, and later asphalt. My partner came back biking in the plan. The speed and the hope to arrive in Gramado at sunlight increased.
Suddenly it seemed that we had arrived in the suburb of Gramado city! It was almost night, and was raining. We saw in the way a pretty and old chapel called São Luis, we stopped there and took some photos even thought under rain. We saw up there the RS 115 road that comes from Tres Coroas city. We find that we were entering in Gramado yet.
I thought: -At last we arrived! It will be true?
I asked to an inhabitant:
- Which is the closer way for the center?
- Go always straight, it distances so so two kilometers.
We went striaght, asphalt finished. It started a small road climbing a hill, type ascent of the Ferrabras mount, many rocks and holes, it was very inclinated.That road followed almost parallel to RS 115 railroad. I believed that Chapel of São Luis was in a quarter of Gramado that is seen of the Porch of the RS115 railroad.
I climbed that ascent in the dark , under rain, wind, and an increasing cold.
Arriving in RS 115 railroad I took shelter in a bus stop and was waiting the Vinicius.
I noticed that there were bubbles next to the ventil of the tire of my bicycle. The tire was pierced, withering! I pumped it, and nothing to get full. I didn´t know why, but my new pump GTS had ruined in the trip.
Then I left from there, in the biggest speed that I could, heading the Gramado city, right-hander to the first gas station and the first calipers.
I cycled and cycled, and I seemed that I never arrived.
Night, ascent, rain, cold, wind, tire almost beating in the hoop, and without pump.
There were a Ipiranga gas station so so 2 kilometers from there. Arriving there gave to one shower in myself and in my bicycle, fixed the tire, and placed dry clothes.
I received a telephone call in my mobile from Vinicius:
- And now? I go up or go down?
- Where are you?
- I don´t know! I left the land road little time ago.
- Then you go up! You are almost arriving! I am in the Ipiranga gas station.
- It goes up? Ohch! I went down so so three hundred meters yet!
One hour later Vinicius arrived, walking almost in the tip of the feet. He laid down in so me wet tiles, and the gas station man commented:
-To be laid down in that frozen tile he must be bad.
The Vinicius was bad, trembled a lot. I caught a cup of capuccino coffee, plus a package of biscuit from the store in the gas station. While he was eating and drinking everything I asked for the men from gas station where were the nearest hotel.
-It is in the other side of the street.
I went there, in the Encantos de Gramado Inn and set the prices. I brought Vinicius and the bicycles to the inn, I placed everything inside the room. After a good hot bath, air-conditional turned on, four blankets and a hot tea, he felt better.
My partner was brave! Its stubbornness was fantastic. Without complaining, and aid it really arrived the Gramado city. He must have walked pushing the bicycle at least the half of the 83 kilometers “cycled”.
We asked for “cheeses”, that a motorcycle-boy brought us them with promptness. It can… for the price…
Some hours later had passed the rain. I weared some sport dry clothes and I took the bicycle.
- Where are you going?
- In the Party of the Colony!
- Are you crazy?!
I went to the party of the colony biking, with sport clothes and slippers. There i drank an excellent juice of grape, I attended one band to touch typical music from germans settlers. What more they had to sell there for there they were sweet breads
Sunday I awoke early in the morning, I took coffee, and I went in Canela city to buy a pump of bicycle tire. I found a store of bicycles, the “Bikes Colleague”, almost to the side of the Unidão supermarket. I beated palms, I found that I had awoke the owner of the store, that was an old gentleman, very likeable. The store was very old and had as much part of bicycle there inside that it was difficult to enter inside it.
The morning was pleasant, had sun and was a little cold. Very good to cycling. I came back to the inn, I started to arrange my things in the bicycle.
- Where are you going?
- To come back toward Porto Alegre!
- Are you crazy?!
Vinicius intended to come back by bus in the end of the afternoon
I said goodbye to him and went by streets biking slowlly, observing the colors of Gramado, as is written in it´s porch: “Lead in your eyes the collorfull images of Gramado.
In RS 235 road, between Gramado and the toll I beat my record of maximum speed. I reached 74 km/h.
The pedal until Nova Petropolis city was a stroll. The climate, the sun, the landscape, the scarce transit, all perfect one.
In Nova Petropolis there were a multitude of people dressed up as rabbit. I spoke with one of the rabbit, it gave me a pamphlet, and said for me to come back I don´t know when there, would have one such of party of the chocolat.
I went down until Picada Cafe city. I stopped in the chapel of São Cristóvão and I entered in the Historical Park Municipal Jorge Kuhn.
I left BR 116 and I caught a road that passes for President Lucena city and goes till Ivoti city.
Who finds that the descending of the mountain range of RS state does not have ascent, try to return for President Lucena city.
To make short the story, the back exchange of the bike ruined and I had to push the bicycle in some occasions.
I was without lunch. In President Lucena I took only water. In Ivoti I visited the São Pedro Church, an old and green church, it seemed to be covered with moss.
In the Kika ice cream parlor I ate four giant ice cream balls. The ice cream was so flavorful that it confirmed the saying that had in the door of the ice cream parlor: “it is impossible to take only one” and it was really.
From Ivoti I went direct to São Leopoldo city where I took the TRENSURB until the road station of Porto Alegre.
When it was five of the afternoon I was in the sofa of my home, listening Rick Wakeman - “No Earthly Connection”, with the eyes full of mountain range images, the expanded conscience again.
Landscapes, roads, mountains, people, situations, a lot of thing in two simple days. I had gone in Gramado by car many times, but to travel of bicycle is different. People absorb more. Gramado city changed. In some way, my vision of Gramado city changed.